Modern Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker
A series of 18 sessions focusing on modern microservice development with Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, Docker, Docker Compose, Jenkins, and various AWS services.
A brand new workshop focusing on Spring Boot based microservice development and containerization using Docker and Docker Swarm. Over the 18 day period (2 hours each) of this online workshop, I covered:
- Git
- Java8 Fundamentals
- Spring Fundamentals
- Spring Boot for implementing RESTful API
- Spring Data JPA for Database Operations
- Swagger for API documentation
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Secrets Management with Docker and Spring Cloud
- Jenkins deployment and configuration on AWS EC2 cluster
- AWS Route 53, Load Balancer
- Testing RESTful APIs
The attendees worked on a workshop project focused on using above technologies and submitting it for the final review.
The same series was repeated for the next 20 months and helped around 2500+ engineering graduates to get a head start in the world of microservices with Spring Boot based RESTful API development and containerization using Docker, Docker Swarm, and Jenkins.