Kubernetes Masterclass - Fall 2018

A series of 7 online sessions focusing on overview of Kubernetes fundamentals, architecture, kops, stateless and stateful workloads, ingress, SSL certificates, and disaster recovery.

1. Deep Dive into Kubernetes Architecture and Components

In this session, I went through an overview of containers and understood how Kubernetes has become Gold Standard in container orchestration frameworks.

I answered questions like:

  • What is a container?
  • Why you should use containers?
  • What infrastructure do you need to run containers?
  • How Kubernetes (aka k8s) fits into the world of containers?
  • What are the components that make a Kubernetes cluster?
  • How Kubernetes orchestrates containers?
  • Who are the competitors of Kubernetes?

2. Setup a High-Available Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using kops

In this session, I talked about how to setup Kubernetes on the local machine. And then went through the complex production-ready setup of Kubernetes on AWS infrastructure.

I answered questions like:

  • How to setup Kubernetes on the local machine?
  • What components are required to be installed when setting up Kubernetes?
  • How to setup Kubernetes on an AWS cluster using kops?
  • How to make Kubernetes cluster highly available (HA) on AWS?
  • How is kops setup compared to the Amazon’s managed service EKS?
  • What are some important things to keep in mind while working with kops and Kubernetes?

3. Harden Kubernetes Access Security with RBAC and AWS IAM

In this session, I talked about how to secure Kubernetes cluster installed on AWS infrastructure.

I answered questions like:

  • How Kubernetes uses RBAC to secure API access?
  • What are the Kubernetes Service Accounts?
  • How to integrate AWS IAM with Kubernetes Auth Controller via aws-iam-authenticator?
  • How to update your kubeconfig to properly utilize your aws-cli config setup?
  • How to securely access multiple Kubernetes clusters from the same local machine?

4. Deploy Stateless Workload on Kubernetes with Pods, Deployments, Daemonsets, and Services

In this session, I talked about how to deploy stateless workload with Pods, Deployments, DaemonSets, and Services in a Kubernetes cluster installed on AWS infrastructure.

I answered questions like:

  • What is a minimum deployable unit (aka Pod) in Kubernetes?
  • What are Deployment and DaemonSet? How are these related to a Pod?
  • How to set resource quota limits (CPU and Memory) for the Pods and Namespaces?
  • What is a Service? What are different types of Service?
  • What are a few important things to keep in mind while working with the stateless workload on Kubernetes?

5. Deploy Stateful Workload on Kubernetes with Persistent Volumes and StatefulSets

In this session, I talked about how to deploy stateful workload with Persistent Volumes and StatefulSets in a Kubernetes cluster installed on AWS infrastructure.

I answered questions like:

  • What is a container Volume?
  • How Volumes work with Kubernetes?
  • What are different types of Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes?
  • How to provision Persistent Volumes on Kubernetes deployed on AWS?
  • What are StatefulSets and how to configure and use them?
  • What are a few important things to keep in mind while working with the stateful workload on Kubernetes?

6. Load Balancing with Kubernetes Ingress Controller

Video coming soon

7. Resource Monitoring and Disaster Recovery of Kubernetes Clusters

Video coming soon