all my perspectives, under one root
webinar October 25, 2018Deploy Stateful Workload on Kubernetes with Persistent Volumes and StatefulSets
In this session, I talked about how to deploy stateful workload with Persistent Volumes and StatefulSets in a Kubernetes cluster installed on AWS infrastructure.
webinar October 18, 2018Deploy Stateless Workload on Kubernetes with Pods, Deployments, Daemonsets, and Services
In this session, I talked about how to deploy stateless workload with Pods, Deployments, DaemonSets, and Services in a Kubernetes cluster installed on AWS infrastructure.
webinar October 11, 2018Harden Kubernetes Access Security with RBAC and AWS IAM
In this session, I talked about how to secure Kubernetes cluster installed on AWS infrastructure.
webinar October 4, 2018Setup a High-Available Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using kops
In this session, I talked about how to setup Kubernetes on the local machine. And then went through the complex production-ready setup of Kubernetes on AWS infrastructure.
webinar September 27, 2018Deep Dive into Kubernetes Architecture and Components
In this session, I went through an overview of containers and understood how Kubernetes has become Gold Standard in container orchestration frameworks.
workshop September 27, 2018Kubernetes Masterclass - Fall 2018
A series of 7 online sessions focusing on overview of Kubernetes fundamentals, architecture, kops, stateless and stateful workloads, ingress, SSL certificates, and disaster recovery.
workshop June 1, 2018Modern Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker
A series of 18 sessions focusing on modern microservice development with Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, Docker, Docker Compose, Jenkins, and various AWS services.
workshop November 2, 2017Getting Started with Containers on AWS
A two-day hands-on workshop focusing on the overview of several AWS services and ways to run containers using Docker and Docker Swarm.
workshop August 1, 2017Fullstack Web Development Using Angular and Spring Boot
A series of 25 sessions focusing on fundamentals of modern web development using JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, RESTful APIs, and testing.
workshop April 1, 2016RESTful APIs with Java8 and Spring Boot
A series of 10 sessions focusing on RESTful API development with Java8, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Swagger, and testing.